CESSDA and Researchers



CESSDA Data Community Spotlight Series

Find links to the CESSDA videos and podcasts with members of different research communities in our "CESSDA Members and Research Communities" Poster and Booklet:

Poster: CESSDA Member Countries and Data Community Spotlight Poster

Booklet: CESSDA Member Countries and Data community Spotlight Booklet


CESSDA participates in partnerships and collaboration with research communities, including the following active projects:

SSHOC aims to provide a full-fledged Social Sciences and Humanities Open Cloud where data, tools, and training are available and accessible for users of SSH data.

OSCARS brings together world-class European Research Infrastructures (RIs) in the ESFRI roadmap and beyond to foster the uptake of Open Science in Europe.

COORDINATE seeks to improve the availability of robust and suitable data for the monitoring and evaluation of child wellbeing in Europe.

QUANTUM’s objective is to create a common label system for Europe that will allow its use in all countries for scientific and health innovation purposes. 

HumMingBird’s overall objective is to improve the understanding of the changing nature of migration flows and the drivers of migration.

Infra4NextGen will bring together outputs from key social science research infrastructures to inform the NextGenerationEU recovery plan and European Union youth policy.

BeYond-COVID (BY-COVID) aims to provide comprehensive open data on SARS-CoV-2 and other infectious diseases across scientific, medical, public health and policy domains.

eRImote will identify strategies and solutions to enable the transition to more remote and digital access to Research Infrastructure (RI) services across ESFRI domains.

FAIR-IMPACT will identify practices, policies, tools and technical specifications towards a FAIR data management cycle starting with real-life use cases in four different domains.