
Image: Fabien Barral via Unsplash
SSHOC Chair and Vice-Chair invite you to the 1st SSH Open Cluster meeting in April!
Mon 6 Mar 2023

Since the end of the SSHOC project in April 2022, the SSHOC Governing Board has been working hard on setting up the governance structure of the Cluster and making sure that it can continue to serve the SSH community in the future as well.

Since then - new members have joined the Governing Board, and the 1st SSHOC Cluster meeting date is set!

The New SSHOC Governing Board

The internal Rules of Procedure has been established and new members were to join the SSHOC Governing Board - all the ESFRI Projects from the ESFRI Social & Cultural Innovation. The first meeting of the new, enlarged Governing Board took place on the 22nd of February and the representatives of different ERICs and ESFRI Projects have gathered. The new SSH Open Cluster Governing Board now consists of representatives of all the relevant RIs and as follows:

  • CESSDA | Consortium of Social Sciences Data Archives | Bonnie Wolff Boenisch

  • CLARIN  | Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure | Darja Fišer

  • DARIAH | Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities | Toma Tasovac

  • ESS | European Social Survey | Rory Fitzgerald / Angelika Scheuer

  • E-RIHS | European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science | Vania Virgili

  • EHRI | European Holocaust Research Infrastructure | Reto Speck

  • GUIDE | Growing Up In Digital Europe: EuroCohort | Jennifer Symonds

  • GGP | Gender and Generations Programme | Anne Gauthier

  • RESILIENCE | Religious Studies Research Infrastructure | Francesca Cadeddu

  • OPERAS | Open Access in the European Area Through Scholarly Communication  | Maciej Maryl

  • SHARE | European Research Infrastructure Consortium for the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement | Axel Börsch-Supan

The meeting was fruitful and set the basis for our future collaboration. The next activity the Board members will take upon will be to organise the 1st SSH Open Cluster Assembly in April.

Announcement of the 1st SSH Open Cluster (virtual) Assembly in April

The Governing Board is reaching out to all the participants in the SSHOC project, as well as various partner organizations in the SSH domain to let you know that we are planning the first Assembly of the SSH Open Cluster, which will be held on Monday, 24th of April 2023 from 14.00 - 17.00 CET. The meeting will be held online, via Zoom. 

This first Assembly will be open to all interested parties and a good opportunity to discuss the next steps agreed upon within the Governing Board and the ways of getting involved in the SSHOC Cluster and strengthening the SSH community in Europe. 


You can already register for the meeting here: . This will help with the planning. The agenda will be shared with the participants closer to the date.





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