
Image: Fabien Barral via Unsplash
CESSDA looks back at the TRIPLE project
Thu 3 Aug 2023

Since 2019, 22 partners from 15 countries have worked on developing the multilingual discovery service GoTriple, which covers 11 languages and 27 disciplines in the social sciences and humanities.

Over the course of the project, different Open Science relevant results have been built and published, such as multilingual vocabulary that has been developed for the platform and is based on the Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH),  the TRIPLE Training Toolkit, and a plethora of publications by the partners.

CESSDA partners joining the large Consortium 

CESSDA, as one of the leading research infrastructures in this scientific domain, has joined the project consortium and contributed to the goals of the community.

The CESSDA Main Office has joined together with a team of three national expert teams, the UK Data Service (UKDS) in the UK, the Slovenian Social Science Data Archives (ADP), and the Finnish Social Science Data Archive (FSD).

Joining most of the project teams in different capacities, CESSDA partners affected the work scope from the creation of vocabularies, EOSC integration as well as training and dissemination.

CESSDA joined the TRIPLE Final conference in Bonn (Credit: TRIPLE Project)

GoTriple vocabulary and CESSDA ELSST thesaurus 

Lorna Balkan (UKDS) and Taina Jääskeläinen (FSD) participated in the work on the services, such as the multilingual GoTriple Vocabulary, the GoTriple metadata schema, and further work on data enrichment and normalization. 

Keywords from the GoTriple vocabulary are automatically assigned to resources in the GoTriple platform, enriching their descriptions and aiding discovery. The FSD-UKDS team also worked on linking the vocabulary with  concepts from the CESSDA ELSST thesaurus.

Integration of CESSDA Data Catalogue

A great achievement was having the metadata from the CESSDA Data Catalogue included in GoTriple. One key goal was to ensure that CESSDA metadata was findable as widely as possible. 

“GoTriple is a valuable access point to information on research documents (including datasets, books, articles, and reports), research projects, and researcher profiles.” says Taina Jääskeläinen, adding that “the number of resources published there is staggering. It was interesting to see what innovative practices were used in the project to work with the complex challenge of getting all these diverse resources together and making them discoverable”.

The connection between CESSDA Data Catalogue and GoTriple presented at the Final TRIPLE event

CESSDA CTO Carsten Thiel and Taina Jääskeläinen from FSD at a session at the TRIPLE final conference

Open Science and EOSC integration 

CESSDA played a significant role in defining the interoperability requirements for the GOTriple minimum viable prototype within the Social Science and Humanities (SSH) communities. These requirements were carefully aligned with both the EOSC  and SSHOC portals.

Furthermore, CESSDA Main office IT team has been actively involved in providing updated information on the interoperability requirements for onboarding GoTriple into the EOSC portal. As the EOSC Future project progresses, these requirements evolve, and the team ensured that GoTriple received the necessary updates to ensure seamless interoperability with the portal.

As part of the Triple Open Science Training series, CESSDA has developed comprehensive training materials and organized and presented a webinar on the process of onboarding services into the EOSC portal. With the aim to empower communities and facilitate their successful integration into the EOSC ecosystem, the webinar brought together different stakeholders and its recording continues to be valuable resources for communities planning to onboard their services.

Lastly, CESSDA has made notable contributions to the Open Science deliverable, with a specific focus on how we implement the Open Science policy in accordance with the European Open Science policy. We are dedicated to promoting open and transparent practices within the research community.

CESSDA MO team joined the Athens Consortium meeting in 2022 (Credit: TRIPLE Project)

Training and Outreach to researchers, publishers, developers, and others 

CESSDA team at ADP worked with Max Weber Stiftung and other partners on the  communication and dissemination activities. They organised a rich portfolio of events, ranging from trainings to formal conferences, hackathons and informal impromptu ThatCamps. The latter were based on collaborative, spontaneous organisation and proved to be a wonderful platform for a lively exchange of experiences, ideas and trends. 

ADP also assisted in the organisation of the final conference and recapped the main project takeaways in a handy brochure

“We hope that the GoTriple platform will become a new point of contact for the CESSDA community, increasing the visibility of CESSDA’s resources and opening opportunities for exciting interdisciplinary collaborations” say Irena Vipavc Brvar and Ana Inkret (ADP). 

Irena Vipavc Brvar (ADP) presenting at the TRIPLE final conference remotely 

The TRIPLE project succeeded both in building strong ties between the project partners and in involving the broader scientific community in the discussions of researchers’ needs and emerging practices that come hand in hand with the technological advances. 

To learn more about GoTriple Platform - do check the CESSDA podcast with some of our team members!