Spotlight on the PROGEDO Data Infrastructure
The PROGEDO Data Infrastructure (PROGEDO) is the French infrastructure for Social Science and Humanities (SSH) Data and a CESSDA service provider. France is a member of CESSDA. We are releasing our last year´s interview with Sébastien Oliveau, the former Director of PROGEDO.
The CESSDA Country Spotlight series showcases national service providers. In 2022 and 2023 we interviewed representatives of the national service providers, dear members of the CESSDA community. We asked them about the value CESSDA provides their data archive and vice versa.
The PROGEDO Data Infrastructure
PROGEDO began operating in 2012 and was already involved with CESSDA when CESSDA became an ERIC in 2017. As a central node of French representation on European SSH Data Infrastructure, PROGEDO plays a pivotal role in steering French policy on data management, curation, and production.
PROGEDO is designed to improve the use and social impact of existing data in the Social Sciences and Humanities. The organisation is divided into three key departments:
CESSDA-France/Réseau Quetelet: This department focuses on disseminating French data and facilitating easier access to international data.
ESS-France: Tasked with coordinating and promoting the use of the European Social Survey, this department plays a vital role in European social research.
SHARE-France: This department is responsible for coordinating and promoting the use of the Survey on Health, Aging, and Retirement in Europe.
PROGEDO is home to the archive of official French statistics data, which has existed since the 1980s both archiving and disseminating French statistics data.
Sébastien Oliveau about CESSDA
“PROGEDO is greatly enriched by the services offered by CESSDA, even though CESSDA’s value is not always visible to our target users of academic researchers and students” said Sébastien Oliveau, the former Director of PROGEDO.
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