North Macedonia (member)

Social Science Data Archive of North Macedonia

Social Science Data Archive of North Macedonia - MK DASS

The Social Science Data Archive of North Macedonia (MK DASS) will be a national infrastructure and public service providing long-term preservation and distribution of research data in the social sciences in the Republic of North Macedonia. MK DASS is hosted by the Institute for Sociological, Political and Juridical Research (ISPJR) at Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, one of the oldest public university research institutions in the social sciences in the country. The Ministry of Education and Science is a crucial institution for establishing MK DAS as part of the national scientific infrastructure.

Our collection aims to encompass quantitative and qualitative research data in various disciplines including anthropology, sociology, political science, communication science, psychology, law, education science, business and management, and related social science disciplines.

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National development plans for data services in the ERA & media packs (CESSDA SaW)